He is changing the world, one person at a time…

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Yeshua HaMashiach to the Jew first and also to the Goyim/Gentiles

Messiah ben Joseph? Messiah ben David? Does HaShem care about His people in the Diaspora or in Eretz Yisrael?

In the Tanakh/Hebrew Bible (aka Old Testament), the prophets directed people who would listen and who would turn from their ways.

The Digital Age has given us access to many stories of followers of Mashiach. These are not fictitious or paid actors but people like Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Sarah, Rebekah, Rachel, and Leah who lived in families. Doubt. Failure. Anxiety. Depression.

Religious. Nonreligious. Observant. Orthodox. Conservative. Reform. Secular. Atheist. They encountered the One Who Keeps Covenant.

Listen to some of their journeys on the path to Mashiach ben David:

I Found Shalom (But not through my therapist)

Isaiah53 (The most unread passage in the Tanakh)

One for Israel Binge Warning!!!

Also, navigate to the Hebrew and Arabic videos.

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